Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I know. Cardboard. Really? Sorry, I've been really busy settling into our apartment, hanging pictures, painting picture frames, taking care of kids while hubby attends school, that kind of stuff. And I literally collapsed on my bed with a pencil in hand from marking the wall and there was this unsuspecting piece of cardboard...

Anyway, Xander and Angela on the right in a Disney style. He's interrupting her reading of "Practicle Curses and Hexes of the 21st Century." Oops on his part.

I think I made Xander's head to small, though his head is tilted down so we see the top of his head more. Might re-work this later into something permanent.

Heck, and if I can swing it, I'll post my really messy, comic that I did forever ago. An interaction between Nega-Bushroot and Angela. Depends on the kiddos.

My latest project is possibly making a DIY LED light table/pad. I'm still crunching numbers. Size vs price and quality. At the moment, I'm actually hung up on a power supply for my LED lights. I'd like it to be a compact power supply but I have no idea how many watts the thing will have to handle. So, off I go to ask questions...or perhaps get Christmas LED lights instead...decisions, decisions.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

That Moment...

...when you realize that after a four year hiatus of sorts, you're going back to school to finish you're art degree. And you need to start drawing again so you don't look like a complete stick figure doodle in class. :P

Yep, I'm trying to get back into the swing. Here's hoping the embarrassment will be kept to a minimum. So, onto the sketches and such.

 This is a character (Angela) whose design, especially her hair, has changed and changed. I really need to nail it down. Anyway, this is my playing with Prismacolor markers and getting a feel for them.

Another character (Xander) whose look I can't really peg. Not my best doodle of him but that's because my three year old wanted to "help."

Full body Angela sketch with her electric bo-staff. See, there goes her hair. And a little height chart off to the right for my reference.

Angela again in a more Disney style. Her hair is less poof here.

Angela off model in an action pose. *facepalm* Why yes I do enjoy doodling with a non-photo blue pencil.

This little pen doodle was soo fun! Honestly it started out because my kids were watching Tarzan. I thought Tarzan's nose was cute and decided to draw it and then this lady appeared. No really, just boom and she was in my sketchbook. Sorry for the craptastic scan.

Skyler is another character that is supposed to go along with Xander and Angela in a story that's still stuck in my head. Anyway, he's an artist, clairvoyant, and sleep deprived and a touch odd. He kind of looks like the Mad Hatter here. So still not done with his look but headed in the right direction.

A head doodle that apparently I named Peyton. I think I was proving to myself that I could still draw a human head.
And last, but not least, Stoic the Vast from How to Train Your Dragon. I'm a fan of Phantom of the Opera and of Gerard Butler. So when I found out he played the Phantom and Stoic, I had to give Stoic a mask and a microphone.

I'm working on another project but it's too big for my poor scanner. Maybe when it's done I'll put it up, but for now, all I have to offer are silly little sketches. :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wisp Elderwood

Wow, I haven't posted a thing in two years and this little portrait sketch is all I got. With it being NaNoMo, of course all the fun stories I've concocted through the years jump into my brain, so I thought I'd give Wisp a go at putting on paper. She came out a little old, I was going for a younger teen, but that's the gist.

Done on my tablet and started to add value, got distracted and never finished.

Anyway, I have a ton of sketches on paper but, no scanner. So updates will be sporadic. Doesn't help that I own a pizzeria and have a two year old. Crazy fun times lemme tell ya.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Director Mallard of S.H.U.S.H.

Shhhhh! He's brooding! In his case its the same as thinking. GASP! It's a background!

A possible scene from a story that I've been concocting for years.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sketch 16

Another meshing of two animals, thing.

More Ducks

Ducks are on the brain...

Bat Cat

Um, I blame it on our assignment for class.